The Landworkers’ Alliance album launch

🌱 Just getting back up to speed with computers after playing at the super Landworkers’ Alliance album launch-fest gig in Abergavenny.

Please support this wonderful organisation and buy a copy of this album, so brilliantly curated by Sid Goldsmith and Humphrey Lloyd, which is chock full of protest tunes (inc a reworking of my track The Ballad of Hawkwood)

💿 CD 👉

🎧 Download 👉

…or you can listen on Spotify….but what good would that do anyone?

A little Walthstow concert to start 2017

cafe-front hornbeam-stowfest-sat-night1dsc_0051a

I am going to ease myself musically into the new year with a gig in Walthamstow on Thursday 19th January at The Hornbeam, my local community centre. A place brimming with excellent people, tasty seasonal locally grown food, ale, cake and art.

The plan is to do an early set for young families and then a second one later for everyone else. I think Basia and Caitlin are free which means violin and accordion. If anyone could nudge Candy to see if she can come and sing, I’d be grateful!

5.30-6.30pm kids’ kitchen family food time
6.30-7.30pm music family friendly set
8.30-9.30pm music 2nd set for grown ups!

Mariam’s Cake video

After all the excitement of the last few weeks three chord political punkelele madness, here is a little something to reminding myself and the world that I have subtler days too…