Wednesday 10th December 2014 – 7:30pm – tickets £8.00 / £6.00
The Servant Jazz Quarters, Dalston
Do come along to this show – it looks like a great night… official blurb below….
A People’s History of Music: a radical, thought-provoking evening on the history of music in pictures words and sound.
As well as playing for Faithless and working with Sinead O’Connor and in his own bands, Dave Randall is the organiser of the highly acclaimed series of The Rest is Noise events, and producer of Freedom for Palestine by One World.
Advance booking a definitely recommended. Tickets can be ordered using the form below. All money raised from the event will go towards supporting the work of Counterfire.
Tickets: http://www.counterfire.org/news/17512-counterfire-benefit-a-people-s-history-of-music-with-dave-randall-nia-and-more-10-december