‘stir’ magazine launch at unpackaged

STIR is an excellent website and magazine that is well worth a read and unpackaged is a shop I love, selling loads of lovely loose goods including the jumbo oats I have for breakfast every day.

These two are combining next week for STIR’s summer edition magazine launch and I will joining them, singing a few songs around 7pm. Do come if you are in the area, see flyer below for more details.

My friend Naomi wrote a lovely article for STIR which can be found online here – http://stirtoaction.com/low-carbon-future/. She is super inspiring and it is a good piece which I highly commend to your eyes and brain.


the new website is live

After a few days of geeking out, I have now put my nice shiny new website online, to go with my nice shiny new album. Please let me know if it plays up on any of your computers.

I have uploaded and will continue to upload stuff from the old site and various other nooks and crannies.

I am kinda excited about finally having all my lyrics, poems, and other stuff in one place – mainly so I don’t lose them and can find them quickly when needed.

The site has been built using wordpress which I knew nothing about until three days ago but have been hugely impressed with and would recommend. Do take a peek if you are into knowing about that kind of stuff.