the russian connection

A while ago I had a few reviews in Russian which I was finding very hard to get translated – luckily a fellow called John just came across them on my site…

“In a previous existence I was a Russian translator, so I thought he might appreciate knowing what that mysterious internet write-up was about. It’s rather pompous (in a music-writerly kind of way), and I’m a bit rusty but the gist is:

“Only the Missile”
For his influences Robin has made discerning choices of true folk icons, but not icons who are usually associated with “genuine” folk per se. Chief among them Leonard Cohen and Ani Difranco.
Overall, if this had been a “commercial” release it would have been hailed as an “album of the year”. That has been said about “non-commercial” artists whose work rarely approaches this quality. This doesn’t just just apply to Robin himself, who plays numerous guitars, keyboards and percussion instruments, but also the guest musicians on a couple of tracks. Excellent performances all. 5/5
There then follows a lighthearted debate in the comments about whether he’s English or American (because of his singing accent), before someone tracks down the myspace page and they agree that he’s either from London, or based there.”

J’s Live Journal

Стиль: сонграйтерский фолк.

В качестве образца для подражания Робин выбрал настоящие иконы фолка, но иконы специфические, которые и с “настоящим” фолком-то обычно не связывают – в первую очередь, Леонарда Коэна и Эни диФранко. По большому счету, если бы этот альбом попался мне среди “платников”, он вряд ли попал бы в “альбомы года”, но заметным явлением стал бы наверняка – что уж говорить о “бесплатниках”, среди которых работы подобного качества попадаются крайне редко – причем здесь стоит отметить как самого Робина, сыгравшего на многочисленных струнных, клавишных и ударных инструментах, но и о его приглашенных на одну-две песни соратниках: молодцы все.


Thanks John!

album launch party

robin grey image

On Friday 12th March 2010, Robin Grey and The Looking Glass Band present an evening of music featuring the talents of

Barbara Bartz on violin
Iain Macleod on banjo
Amy Bowles on bass
Joe Allen on percussion
Ben Oliver on keys

with support from Theo Bard

…think candles, cake and acoustic music.

Tea by Pukka and Yogi Chai, Banana Cake by Whole Foods and Vegan Truffles by Booja Booja

Facebook page is here.

Unit C, 25 Belfast Road, Stoke Newington, N16 6UN – from 8pm

Tree design by Caitlin Hinshelwood

a few more reviews…

Fense Post

…a hidden treasure of the European underground … (Strangers With Shoes is) a thing of complete and utter beauty.

full review here


Catching The Waves

…in case I haven’t made myself clear, Robin Grey has talent coming out of his ears.

full review here



I can’t help but just be thankful to be aliveI’ll probably keep (Strangers With Shoes) on repeat for about three weeks.

full review here


Music Liberation

Strangers With Shoes is about to enjoy an extended residency on my ipod play list this year …(Robin’s) every day commentary of normal life inject a refreshing shot of energy into a genre which can sometimes get bogged down with too much heavy emotion and feelings.

full review here