some more of your videos
I just discovered a few more videos using my music which have been under my radar. Below are a couple of ones i found both featuring ‘Shakes & Shudders‘…
Colour Test – Choeut Beach from Ryan Bessin on Vimeo.
The Long Table – Night Market – Dalston, London – 25/11/11
youtube video which made me smile
I have had ‘make a music video’ on my to do list for ages now – one of the things holding me back is that quite a few people seem to be doing it for me.
This video got sent to me this morning and it made me happy – i have no idea who they are but i love the amount of smiling going on!
TEDx – London Zoo – Regents Park, London – 20/11/11
fensepost review
First review of the new album by fensepost…
“With his distinctively English vocals, and beautiful interpretations of earth, sea, and love, this folk hero soars to his greatest heights even succeeding beyond his sophomore release Strangers With Shoes. Which I will admit, seemed to be impossible.”