l’ll be good to the land

From a wood-engraving by Clare Leighton, courtesy of the artist’s Estate


On 5th April at Ye Olde Rose and Crown Theatre Pub in Walthamstow, I am putting on a show called ‘I’ll Be Good To The Land; A History Of Land Rights And Protest In Folk Song And Story’ as part of the Community Food Growers Network spring events series.

I will be joined on the evening by many friends and a special guest called Hugh Lupton as we unpick the people’s history of this fair isle.

Hugh is one of the most brilliant and widely respected story tellers in the country. You can catch a sneaky peak of him below on youtube.


song, by toad – toadcast #261 – the suncast

Matthew, aka Song, By Toad, was the first blogger to say something nice about my music on the world wide web and part of the inspiration for me to (perhaps foolishly?!) keep dedicating ridiculous amounts of time to making music.

His blog continues to be a cornerstone of the uk independent music scene and you would do well to point your eyes and ears in his direction here – http://songbytoad.com/

I was chuffed to pieces that he played my song Mariams Cake in his most recent podcast on mixcloud. Have a listen below if you fancy…

Toadcast #261 – The Suncast by Song, By Toad on Mixcloud

rec movie trailer

I randomly just found out that my music was used in the trailer for this 2011 korean gay film called REC.

Half a million people have watched the youtube trailer… I wish they had asked me first and possibly even licensed the damn song!


I am just dropping them a line now to say hello and see if they have anything to say for themselves…

#confused #showmethemoney

pedal folk – spring cycling tour of south england

Pedal Folk
So i love cycling and I love playing music.

This spring I am going to combine the two with a cycling tour joined by my fine musical friend Tim Graham and a lovely Irish violin playing lass called Katie.

We are doing shows in Bath, Bristol, Swindon and Oxford. I will put up more info on the shows in a bit but for the time being here is a sneaky peek of what our trip should look like:
View Pedal Folk Spring Tour 2013 in a larger map