december gigs in essex, oxford and crouch end

So I should probably be starting to hibernate by now but the year has thrown up a little flurry of winter gigs in Essex, Oxford and Crouch End. I will be performing with Chance and Candy on violin and backing vocals respectively..

The Essex show on Friday 6th December is for a much loved promoter who books me for gigs in libraries, gardens, town centres and …this time …the local RAF Club… awesome. More info <here>.

Then Saturday 14th December at a beautiful old pavilion surrounded by green in Oxford – info <here> ***please note this show has been postponed to 2014***

…and finally on Sunday 15th December this lovely weekly event in Crouch End – info <here>

softly softly crouch end Dec15a



before the gold rush, october gig in crouch end


I’ve just confirm a show at a cosy spot in Crouch End called The Haberdashery for the lovely London promoters ‘Before The Gold Rush‘ on Wednesday 2nd October.

It will be the first London sit down gig type thing with a wonderful Canadian violinist called ‘Chance’ I met busking a few weeks ago – we have been out and about doing a few festivals so should be nicely rehearsed by October. Candy is joining us so there may possibly be some three part harmonies… #excited

Here is the facebook page – and the link to buy tickets –



photos from leigh

Here are a few choice pictures from our epic weekend at Leigh Folk Festival – still my favourite festival of the year and this years was a stonker.

‘stir’ magazine launch at unpackaged

STIR is an excellent website and magazine that is well worth a read and unpackaged is a shop I love, selling loads of lovely loose goods including the jumbo oats I have for breakfast every day.

These two are combining next week for STIR’s summer edition magazine launch and I will joining them, singing a few songs around 7pm. Do come if you are in the area, see flyer below for more details.

My friend Naomi wrote a lovely article for STIR which can be found online here – She is super inspiring and it is a good piece which I highly commend to your eyes and brain.