skateboarding in egypt documentary

A lovely guy called Brett has been in contact about using some of my music in a documentary he has made on the emerging skateboarding scene in Egypt.

He currently has a kickstarter campaign going to raise money for this – have a peek at the trailer below and do head over here to see more –

Slipping: Skate’s Impact on Egypt (Official Trailer) from Brett Saunders on Vimeo.

european tour confirmed for july/august

I am utterly delighted to announce that I will be touring Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany with Songs and Whispers in July and August.

Just putting the gigs on this site took me ages and knackered me out so heaven knows what doing somewhere near thirty shows in just shy of four weeks is going to do to me.

I have put most of them up on my gigs page – some details may change but if you live anywhere west Germany be reassured I will be playing somewhere near you! Below is the fruit of my geeky friday night in with google maps 🙂


I have just confirmed a slot providing the post-speakers music at TEDx next Sunday at London Zoo in Regents Park – I am totally chuffed to be involved in anything to do with the awesome TED movement. For those of you not in the know go here and feed your mind –

Details about the event are here – – I am playing after the speakers at 6pm with Jane and Basia on accordion, flute and violin.

If you have not seen this video please watch it – this guy is a total hero of mine and encapsulates everything that I love about TED –