‘Three Acres And A Cow’ at Greenbelt Festival

greenbelt 2015I’m really looking forward to Greenbelt festival next month, the line up looks really good. ‘Duke Special’ and ‘This Is The Kit’ are particular favourites of mine.

Rachel Rose Reid and I are performing ‘Three Acres And A Cow, A History Of Land Rights And Protest In Folk Song And Story‘ at The Canopy Stage, 10am on Monday 31st August. Naomi Wilkins will be joining us too which means some lovely harmonies are in store!

greenbelt 2015a

#fuckoffbacktoEton launch Monday 7pm at Occupy Democracy, Parliament Square


The ‘Fuck Off Back To Eton’ for #1 launch will take place at 7pm on Monday, Parliament Square c/o Occupy Democracy.

You can hear the track below and buy it via iTunes, Spotify and others from Monday. Proceeds from sales will go to the Radical Housing Network and the Land Workers Alliance after I have given a bit of money to people who have given up their time to make the video and record the song.

itunes – https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/f**k-off-back-to-eton-single/id990963507?ls=1
spotify – http://open.spotify.com/album/5lCtMbWJklZFohBOc1jJ9F

microphone time with candy

Candy and I had a stab at recording a new old song yesterday called Joanna. Have a little listen below and let us know what you think of it. Might be time to get in the brass section perhaps or maybe just leave it naked as is… #whoknows